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Sean Baity
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Turning Strategy into Solutions

April 26, 2019

As Technical Director for Applied Technology and Advanced Programs, Sean Baity has experience leading teams that have successfully developed and delivered solutions for our customers. By enabling Textron Systems to find new and innovative ways to facilitate growth and disruption in our industry, Baity works to help the company find solutions that will capture business in support of our defense customers.

To bring increasingly innovative solutions to the table, our teams use strategy to build a plan of action. As Baity explained, “Strategy is the guiding principle, the vision, that we can use to start communicating across our teams to give them a longer view that will help them inform their day-to-day activities and give them a goal to shoot for.”

A comprehensive strategy not only speaks to the product or capability but, “articulates where we will be active, how we will get there, and how we will win,” Baity states. When aligned with a product development roadmap, these elements enable Textron Systems to implement effective tactics to protect, grow and disrupt. With this focus the business can maintain what it’s doing well, while also determining how to foster continued growth. “We have to determine how to disrupt the industry along the way so that we’re the preferred provider of the solution,” Baity stated.

Though it’s important that the business work together to develop and execute a strategy, it’s key that the customer also be involved. As both a product and service-oriented company, our customers’ needs are at the core of our business. Baity reminds us of the importance of listening to our customers: “Always inform your customer of any updates or changes, hear their problems, stated and unstated needs – listening is very important, as it can help you find their solution.” Our customers don’t just need us create a product – they rely on us to create a long-lasting and versatile solution.